Mouraria Composta
Mouraria Composta is an electromechanical composting pilot, with the capacity to respond to the transformation of organic waste into compost, aimed at the inhabitants of the historic center of Lisbon.
Along with the installation of the electromechanical composting center, there will be an educational station and vegetable gardens. Inhabitants can recycle their organic waste and participate in horticulture activities, growing their own food.
It aims to strengthen the sense of belonging, food resilience, greener cities, with proximity industrial composting, valuing bio-waste and its transformation into something valuable.
Each inhabitant of Lisbon produces more than half a ton of waste annually. About 20% of this waste is collected selectively, going for recycling. Of the 400 kg of undifferentiated waste, 41% is organic waste: food scraps and dried branches/leaves from gardens. This organic and biodegradable fraction of waste (which represents more than 160 kg per inhabitant and more than 88,000 tons per year) is destined for incineration. This waste can be turned into fertilizer through composting. Hot composting turns non-compostable waste cold and speeds up the process from 6 months to 6 weeks. It reduces costs of normal waste treatment and use of chemical fertilizers.

Agrupamento de Escolas Gil Vicente, Upfarming and the Municipal Department of Urban Hygiene of Lisbon City Council.
Caixa Social Award.
Awaiting funding for the electromechanical composter.
To help us acquire this equipment, you can make a donation on the DOAR button in the header of the website.
Mouraria and the planet thank you.

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